First, 5 pieces of gauge (i.e. 0.5 mm) are placed in the area between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, we ask the patient to close the chewing teeth.
If at the same time the patient feels that the posterior teeth are closing, then add 5 more sheets, repeat the question and add leafs until the patient indicates that if there are leaf gauge between the front teeth, he does not feel the lateral teeth in contact.
After that, add another 5-6 leafs. Then we begin to move the lower jaw along the leaf gauge back and forth. At the moment of displacement of the lower jaw back, we ask the patient to try to compress the chewing teeth a little. After 5-6 minutes of such movements, the lateral pterygoid muscle, as a rule, relaxes, and the articular elements are positioned in their comfortable position - the position of the centric relation (if there are no anatomical changes in the joint area). Further, depending on the purpose of using the calibrator at the moment, either the registration of the obtained central ratio is carried out, or the search for super contacts.
The doctor begins to remove the leaf gauge one by one from the part that is located between the front teeth. To control whether the lateral teeth are closing, there is contact between them or not, a special occlusal copy paper 200 microns thick (to create a large contact patch) and paper 8 microns thick and different in color (to determine the super contact point area) are used. The described 200-micron occlusal paper is positioned between the posterior teeth, then the patient closes the teeth in a leaf gauge, repeats the back-and-forth movements. Then tries to close half the strength of the chewing teeth in the position of the lower jaw from behind. At this moment, the doctor is trying to get the paper between the teeth of the lateral sections. If he succeeds easily, then the doctor should remove one leaf from the part of the gauge sandwiched between the front teeth. Repeat movements. And so continue until the moment when it will be impossible to get the paper between the lateral teeth without opening them. At this point, the doctor positions a thin 8-micron paper between the posterior teeth. Asks to repeat the movements of the lower jaw. Continue to remove the leaf gauges until the 8 micron foil lingers on either side.
As a result, a thick contact spot is imprinted on the teeth due to 200-micron paper and a point supercontact on this spot due to 8-micron paper. This completes the search for a supercontact that provokes the displacement of the lower jaw.
If selective grinding is carried out, the doctor grinds this supercontact, after which it again positions the calibrator in the area of the anterior teeth, occlusal paper in the area of the posterior teeth, and checks for the presence of supercontact. If it disappeared after grinding, then the doctor removes another leaf of the gauge and continues to look for super contacts further according to the previously described method. Grinding is considered complete if 2-4 leaf gauges or more remain in the area of the front teeth (this parameter is very individual, since it depends on the patient's bite), and between the lateral teeth at the same moment there are multiple contacts on both sides of the jaw. The result is the adjustment of the position of the lower jaw in the usual occlusion to the position of the central ratio of the jaws.
Next - without a leaf gauge, check for canine and incisal protection and remove early contacts on the balancing side and on the working side on molars and premolars during lateral movements.
IMPORTANT - the use of the grinding technique with a leaf gauge in patients with distal occlusion is contraindicated, as it can lead to additional distalization of the mandible.